PSTK zaprasza tłumaczy na ostatni z cyklu trzech warsztatów, organizowanych oddolnie przez nasze członkinie Natalię Charitonow i Martę Brudny, które postanowiły podzielić się swoimi umiejętnościami i zainteresowaniami.
Trzeci warsztat z cyklu Ciało, głos, oddech nosi tytuł Relaxation through breathwork i odbędzie się w języku angielskim, ale będzie też tłumaczenie na polski.
Zachęcamy do spędzenia relaksującej niedzieli na pracy z oddechem!
TERMIN: 27 października 2019, 10.00-18.00, w tym przerwa lunchowa
MIEJSCE: Drzewo Życia, ul. Makolągowy 21/1), Warszawa
KOSZT: 130-180 zł (zapłać, ile możesz)
Żeby zarezerwować miejsce na warsztacie, należy przelać zaliczkę 50 zł od osoby lub całą kwotę na konto:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Konferencyjnych, Nowy Świat 33/13 00-029 Warszawa, 52 1750 0012 0000 0000 3486 5817 (BNP Paribas, dawniej Reiffeisen Bank)
Natalia Charitonow: 607 10 10 41
PRZECIWWSKAZANIA: ciąża, zaawansowana astma, poważne choroby serca, poważne choroby psychiczne (schizofrenia, psychoza), epilepsja, zaawansowana cukrzyca, wiek poniżej 16 roku życia
Szczegółowy opis warsztatów poniżej, w języku angielskim.
A workshop using breathwork to guide you to deeper relaxation, calm, and clarity.
We invite you to experience the power of breathwork in this one-day workshop using the Biodynamic Breathwork Trauma Release System (BBTRS) method.
The workshop will guide you in the process of releasing physical and emotional tensions, which can help restore a harmonious flow of energy in the body, spontaneity and the natural joy of being.
Difficult life experiences—whether one-off “shock” events, or challenging conditions in which we grow up and live—can be recorded in the body as trauma when there is an inability to discharge accumulated energy through movement or emotional expression. This trauma can take the form of physical armour (tension in the body), emotional blockages (e.g. displacement of certain emotions) and psychological barriers (established patterns of behaviour that protect us from unwanted emotions).
The goal of the BBTRS method is to dissolve this armour, using a specific breathing technique, conscious movement, touch, sound, gentle release of emotions and meditation.
The release of trauma from the nervous system and cell memory means that repressed emotions and patterns no longer determine our life and choices. We feel more deeply, and learn to contain a whole range of feelings and emotions, thanks to which we no longer react impulsively to them, and instead we can choose to respond consciously. This allows us to escape from limiting patterns of behaviour.
At the physical level, blockages in the myofascial system are released, the whole body relaxes, the posture changes, and we recover a sense of connection with the body. Thanks to this, we become more attuned to our needs and can manage our boundaries better. We become more aware of ourselves and how we want to live, our attention becomes more focused, and we have access to more creativity. An inner journey from a developed personality to our individuality becomes possible.
The workshop will be facilitated by Andrew Carter in English. Polish translation will be provided as needed.
The group will be between 8–16 people.
Opening circle
Method presentation and demo session
Breathing session in pairs (part I)
Lunch break
Breathing session in pairs (part II)
Closing circle
- BBTRS practitioner-in-training. Andrew has completed level 3 training at the Integral Body Institute, which is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
- Nonviolent Communication (NVC) practitioner and sharer. Andrew has completed more than 40 days of training with international NVC trainers.