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Kamil Krzywicki
In a nutshell
EU-accredited interpreter with Polish, English, German and Finnish.
Downolad a PDF with the interpreter’s details
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- English
- Finnish
- German
- Polish
- Agriculture
- Construction and civil engineering
- Digital and IT
- Economy
- Education
- Energy & mining
- Environment and climate
- EU policies and projects
- Finance and banking
- Legal
- Marketing and sales
- Medical and pharma
- Official events
- Production and engineering
About me
EU-accredited interpreter with 20 years of experience.
Kamil Krzywicki
In a nutshell
EU-accredited interpreter with Polish, English, German and Finnish.
Downolad a PDF with the interpreter’s details
- English
- Finnish
- German
- Polish
- Agriculture
- Construction and civil engineering
- Digital and IT
- Economy
- Education
- Energy & mining
- Environment and climate
- EU policies and projects
- Finance and banking
- Legal
- Marketing and sales
- Medical and pharma
- Official events
- Production and engineering
About me
EU-accredited interpreter with 20 years of experience.
Trust PSTK
Members of PSTK
- Demonstrate confirmed experience
- Have peer-confirmed skills
- Are recommended by industry professionals
- Apply the highest standards of professional ethics
Where do I work
I work as a freelancer in Poland and abroad during conferences, events, meetings, trainings, festival, fairs, etc.Lately I often interpret remotely (ZOOM, Kudo, Teams).